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Are you sure you want to delete this item?


Are you sure you want to delete this item?

We're excited to announce that we've added a new "recycle bin" feature for handling deleted devices. Now, when you delete a device, it will move to the built-in "Deleted Devices" group so that you can easily restore it in the future if needed. Devices in the "Deleted Devices" group do not count towards your active devices with regards to billing.

To delete a device, navigate to the device's configuration page, then click the "Delete Device" link at the top of the page. You'll be prompted to confirm the action.

The Delete Device Link
The Delete Device Link

If you navigate to the Devices page, you'll see a new built-in group called "Deleted Devices." The device you just deleted should show up there. Note that the main Dashboard does not show the "Deleted Devices" group.

The Deleted Devices Group
The Deleted Devices Group

To restore the device, you can either drag the device from the "Deleted Devices" group and drop it on another group, or you can click "Undelete Device" on the device's configuration page.

The Undelete Device Link
The Undelete Device Link

To permanently delete the device, click the "Permanently Delete this Device" link on the device's configuration page.

The Permanently Delete Device Link
The Permanently Delete Device Link
Mar 26, 2019 (modified Jun 29, 2022)  • #1
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