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CloudShow Devices & Downloads

Recommended CloudShow Device
Recommended CloudShow Device

We recommend the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K as the preferred CloudShow Client Device. This device provides the best dollar-to-performance ratio. It's affordable but also powerful enough to show any CloudShow content you want.

Check out the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K on Amazon today for all your CloudShow needs.


The CloudShow client is fully compatible with your Windows 10 or Windows 11 devices. Use any device or computer that runs Windows as a digital sign in just a few clicks!

Amazon Fire TV
Amazon Fire TV

The CloudShow client is fully compatible with your Amazon Fire TV or Fire TV Stick. Use your Amazon Fire TV as a digital sign in just a few clicks!

Google Android
Google Android

The CloudShow client is fully compatible with your Android smartphone, tablet, or other devices. Android 5.1 and higher is required. Use your Android screen as a digital sign in just a few clicks!

Google Android TV
Google Android TV

The CloudShow client is fully compatible with your Android TV box or Android Smart TV. Android 5.1 and higher is required. Use your TV as a digital sign with Android TV in just a few clicks!

Google Chrome OS
Google Chrome OS

The CloudShow client is fully compatible with your Chrome OS device, like a Chromebook or Chromebox, as long sa the device supports Android app from the Google Play Store. Use your Chrome OS device as a digital sign in just a few clicks!

Nebula Capsule II by Anker
Nebula Capsule II by Anker

The CloudShow client is fully compatible with your Nebula Capsule II. The Nebula Capsule devices are an all-in-one Android device with an integrated projector. Use your Nebula Capsule as a digital sign projector in just a few clicks!

Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod
Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod

The CloudShow client is fully compatible with your Apple iPhone, iPad, or iPod. Use your Apple iPhone, iPad, or iPod screen as a digital sign in just a few clicks!

In Development: Apple Mac OS X
In Development: Apple Mac OS X

In Development: Linux, Raspberry Pi
In Development: Linux, Raspberry Pi

CloudShow support for Linux, Raspberry Pi is in development. We don't currently have an ETA for this device.

Unsupported: Roku
Unsupported: Roku

There isn't a CloudShow client available for Roku devices.
Unfortunately Roku doesn't provide a way to use HTML content on its devices. We have investigated the issue thoroughly with no luck. Unless Roku provides HTML support in it's API, CloudShow won't be able to run on any Roku devices.

Other Awesome Things

CloudShow Manager for Mobile Devices

Manage your CloudShow devices on the go! Get alerts when devices shut down or disconnect, rename devices, assign new templates to devices, and more. With CloudShow Manager you're in full control of your CloudShow devices!
Check it out today!

Are you looking for an HDMI splitted that is HDCP compliant and 4K compatible? This Blackbird splitter is fully compatible with Amazon Fire TV devices and allows you to share your device's output with 2 displays.

Are you looking for a reliable, inexpensive way to control your Amazon Fire TV devices? This mini portable keyboard+trackpad combo is inexpensive and connects to most Bluetooth devices, including Amazon Fire TV's.

Try CloudShow today, it's completely free for one device! Need more devices? Try our 60-day Enterprise trial and see if it fits your needs. Get started today and see what everyone has been talking about!