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Are you sure you want to delete this item?


Are you sure you want to delete this item?

We're excited to announce that we've added the ability to expire content files automatically. You can now set an expiry date and time on images, videos, and other content types. When the expiry date passes, the content will be automatically removed from the configuration on all devices. This feature is great for making sure that things like limited time promos get removed automatically.

Follow these steps to set an expiry date on a file:

  1. Click the "Content" link in the header bar to go to your organization's Content management page.
  2. Click the edit icon next to the file you want to set the expiry date on.
    Edit Content Item
    Edit Content Item
  3. In the "Edit Content" dialog, enable the "Expire this content..." checkbox, then choose the date and time you'd like the content to expire.
    Edit Content Dialog
    Edit Content Dialog
  4. Click the Save button, and you should now see a green clock icon next to the item on the Content page.
    Content Expiry Icon
    Content Expiry Icon
  5. After the content has expired, the file will be highlighted in red on the Content management page. Expired content will not be automatically deleted, so you can always remove the expiry or extend the expiry date if you like.
    Content Expired
    Content Expired

As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or issues when using CloudShow, please don't hesitate to contact us!

May 2, 2019  • #1
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