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We're very excited to announce the addition of nearly 20 new CloudShow apps! These apps can be used on any CloudShow digital sign you have, and all of them are fully customizable. Here is the complete list of all the new apps, with some screenshots below to get a taste of what they look like.

  • Current Date: Displays the current date and day of the week
  • Custom Content Feed: Create your own custom news feeds with titles and content
  • MLB Schedule
  • MLB Scores
  • MLB Standings
  • NBA Schedule
  • NBA Scores
  • NBA Standings
  • NHL Schedule
  • NHL Scores
  • NHL Standings
  • Formula 1 Results
  • Formula 1 Schedule
  • Formula 1 Standings
  • Twitch Video
  • Twitch Channel
  • Twitch Clip
Current Date App
Current Date App
Custom Content Feed App
Custom Content Feed App
Custom Content Feed Settings
Custom Content Feed Settings
NBA Schedule App
NBA Schedule App
Apr 13, 2020 (modified Mar 19, 2021)  • #1
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