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We're very happy to announce layouts and scheduling for CloudShow! This fantastic new functionality will allow you to create, duplicate, and modify different layouts for a device, and either change between them manually, or on a schedule. You can schedule layout changes for anywhere between 15 minutes and 24 hours.

To add new layouts and edit schedules, follow the steps below:

  1. On the device's page, click Add or Duplicate in the Layout box. Add will start with a completely blank layout for the device whereas Duplicate will start with a copy of the current layout for the device.
    The add/duplicate buttons.
  2. Edit the layout as needed.
    Editing the layout
  3. If you'd like to schedule layout changes, click the "Scheduling" link in the Layout box.
    The Scheduling link
  4. Enable the "Use detailed scheduling..." checkbox.
    Enabling detailed scheduling
  5. To add a scheduled layout to a day, click anywhere in a blank spot on that day. The new scheduled item will fill the blank space, and you can then drag it to reduce the time if needed, or drag it to a different time slot or day.
    Adding a schedule to a day
  6. If you want to use the same schedule for every day, after setting up the first day, click the "duplicate" icon at the top of the day and it will be copied to all other days.
    The Duplicate Schedule button
  7. When you're all finished up, click the Save button to apply your schedule setup/changes.

As always, if you run into any trouble at all, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Oct 10, 2018 (modified Oct 10, 2018)  • #1
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