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We're very excited to announce the release of the all-new app selector in your CloudShow dashboard. When you're editing a device or template and selecting an app, the app selector gives you some new options.

All Apps

The most noticeable change is that all apps are grouped together alphabetically to make finding your app easier.

All Apps
All Apps

App Filtering

The advanced filtering in the app selector window means you can quickly filter down the apps to the ones you're looking for.

App Filtering
App Filtering

Recommended Apps

There is now a 'Recommended Apps' section at the top of the app selector window. This new section shows apps that support the files you have uploaded in your Content area. For example, if you upload some images and videos, the Image Slideshow and Video Player apps will be listed here for easy access.

Recommended Apps
Recommended Apps

Check it Out!

Check out the all-new app selector on your CloudShow dashboard today! And as always, if you would like to see an app that we're missing feel free to contact us.

Jan 30, 2019 (modified Mar 19, 2021)  • #1
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