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Image Slideshow

Upload your images and use them in a customizable slideshow.

How to Use Image Slideshow with CloudShow

  1. Create a CloudShow account, if you haven't already
  2. Pair a device
  3. Add the 'Image Slideshow' app
  4. Click the "You need to upload at least one image..." link near the top of the Image Slideshow Settings dialog.
    Link to the Content Page
    Link to the Content Page
    Link to the Content Page
  5. When the Content page loads, click the "Upload some content..." link.
    Link to Content Uploader
    Link to Content Uploader
    Link to Content Uploader
  6. Click the "Choose Files" button, choose the images you want to upload, then click the green "Upload File(s)" button.
    The Upload Files Dialog
    The Upload Files Dialog
    The Upload Files Dialog
  7. When the files are done uploading, you should see them in the list on the Content page now. For each image in the list, you can download them, edit them, or delete them. If you need to upload a new copy of one of the images, click the Edit (pencil) icon next to the image in the list, then click the "Replace File" link to choose the updated file.
    Uploaded Content List
    Uploaded Content List
    Uploaded Content List
  8. Go back to the Device edit page, click the Image Slideshow frame, and click the Settings icon.
    Image Slideshow Settings Button
    Image Slideshow Settings Button
    Image Slideshow Settings Button
  9. You should now see some new options in the Image Slideshow Settings dialog that allow you to add, delete, and move items up/down the list. Click the Add button.
    Image Slideshow Content Controls
    Image Slideshow Content Controls
    Image Slideshow Content Controls
  10. Select the images you want to use for this Image Slideshow frame, then click the "Add Image(s)" button.
    Selecting the Images to Use
    Selecting the Images to Use
    Selecting the Images to Use
  11. Click the 'Save' button and the changes will be pushed to your client instantly!

Try CloudShow today, it's completely free for one device! Need more devices? Try our 60-day Enterprise trial and see if it fits your needs. Get started today and see what everyone has been talking about!